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Hill Country High
a SOHUM blog
Featuring SOHUM updates, recipes, thoughts on life, spirituality, health & wellness, and more.

Angela M. Bartys
Sep 23, 20205 min read
Learning and Wildlife Tracking
What does it look like to learn? What does it look like to teach, instruct, guide and mentor? What does it feel like, sound like and what...
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Angela M. Bartys
Aug 5, 20205 min read
Navigating the Wilderness
There are so many wonderful places we can go to visit, to explore, to understand, to learn from and take in to the depths of our souls....
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Angela M. Bartys
Jun 17, 20203 min read
Wilderness and Mental Health
The mountains are calling and I must go and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly.” John Muir This has obviously been a very...
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Angela M. Bartys
Jun 10, 20206 min read
Wilderness Wednesday's - Fire Building and Tending
I love fire and I absolutely love starting them and building them, and this is not for throwing junk in a pile and dousing it in lighter...
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Angela M. Bartys
Jun 3, 20205 min read
Wilderness Wednesdays - Sit Spot - Sitting Quietly and Observing Nature
In last week's post, discussing an introduction to Bird Language, I mentioned that one of the first practices to adopt is a sit spot....
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Angela M. Bartys
Jun 1, 20206 min read
Mindful Mondays-"Ayurveda-The Science of life and a Guide to a Balanced Life"
Ayurveda translates to "The Science or knowledge of Life." (Ayuh- life and veda-knowledge) It is an ancient system of health and healing...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 27, 20204 min read
Wilderness Wednesday (Ethan Peters)- Do you speak bird language? Part One
Well, neither do I, but I am learning! I am not a master at very many things, mostly because I am insanely interested in a very many...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 26, 20204 min read
Terra Tuesday - " A Family History Pt.1 "
When I walk into an antique shop, I know within the first 3 seconds if I'll stay or not. If it passes the 3 second test, I walk around...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 20, 20204 min read
Wilderness Wednesdays - " Redefining How We Think About Weeds " ~ by: Ethan Peters
We have all had horrible experiences with plants in a variety of ways but we are going to focus primarily on the outdoors. If you have a...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 19, 20202 min read
Terra (land) Tuesday- "Getting the Lay of The Land Pt.1"
We thought it would be nice to start to introduce the land to everyone. We live on about 30 acres on a historic homestead in the Texas...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 18, 20206 min read
Mindful Mondays- " 3 Tips to Breathe like your life depended on it. "
Do you think about your breath? Thankfully, we don't have to think about it to make it happen, or we both may not have ever made it to...
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Angela M. Bartys
May 15, 20202 min read
Over 500 masks made; Progress and Projections of SOHUM
One and a half months ago, we started making masks for family, friends, and local businesses. When we got our first big order, we...
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